Help support normal function and health of the kidneys
Pronefra® Oral Suspension is a unique, highly palatable, liquid suspension to help support the normal function and health of the kidneys in cats and dogs.
Product features :
A unique combination of 4 ingredients corresponding to 3 properties: limits the availability of phosphate, binds uraemic toxins, helps maintain normal kidney architecture and helps to maintain balanced blood pressure
Easy to use liquid that can be mixed with food or given directly into the mouth
Highly palatable for optimal compliance – 94% prehension rate in cats
Proven efficacy
Designed for both cats and dogs
Product benefits :
Easy to give
Highly palatable in both cats and dogs
Use medicines responsibly.
Further information is available on request from Virbac Ltd.
S. Ettinger and E.Feldman, Textbook of veterinary Internal Medicine, Volume 2, St.Louis:ELSVIER SAUNDERS, 2005
J.P.Lulich, C. A. Osbourne, T.D.O’Brien and D. Polzin, @Feline renal failure: Questions, answers, questions., ’Compend Contin Educ Pract, no.14, p. 127-152 1992.
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