Get your cattle ready to perform
Get your cattle ready to perform
During the life and production cycle, farm animals go through successive natural, artificial and exceptional circumstances that require fast adaptation to new living and environmental conditions.
Animals can cope with these events more or less easily. During these periods, cattle draw on their reserves of nutrients to provide energy this can affect the immune status of the animal, its reproductive as well as productive capability.
Injectable trace minerals (ITM, also referred to as injectable trace elements) supplements provide rapid, targeted, and sustained increases of mineral levels in animals, so they are at optimal levels for use before a high-demand period.
Oxidative stress is an imbalance of harmful free radicals and neutralising antioxidants in the body. In periods of stress, more free radicals can be produced by the body and an imbalance occurs which can lead to cell and tissue damage. These imbalances make animals more susceptible to numerous adverse health conditions and diseases.
Reproduction/fertility Healthy feet/hooves Healthy skin/coat Spermatogenesis Cell division
Reduced retained placenta
Disease resistance
Embryo survival
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Get your cattle ready to perform during high demand periods. For more information contact your vet.
During a webinar on the role of trace minerals in the Redox biology of farm animals, our experts explain in this white paper: critical periods, Oxidative stress and the benefits of injectable supplementation.