Trace minerals have an influence on the immunity of dairy cows. They can also improve udder health and milk quality.

Changes and needs throughout the cycle

The dairy cow has to cope with many changes (nutrition, physiology and behaviour) during a cycle encompassing functional, production and gestation needs.

All of these factors can be a source of stress and compromise the health and welfare of dairy cows. Knowing that the trace minerals support each of these aspects, a deficiency, even subclinical, can lead to impaired metabolism, inflammation and oxidative stress.

Effects at key stages and diseases

Transition period

Peak lactation


Transition period

During the transition period, trace minerals are mobilised to respond to the various physiological changes caused by dry-off, the discomfort of udder involution, the growth of the foetus and the preparation for lactation. Cows are most susceptible to health problems during this key period.

  • During the transition period, the cow has a lower ingestion capacity which will reduce its daily intake of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  • Another factor of oxidative stress during peri-partum are animals with a high Body Condition Score (BCS) or have large losses in BCS.

Support for your dairy cows

During transition, and indeed at any time of stress that has physiological change, the use of trace minerals in the body is increased.  This means that to keep trace minerals at an optimal level for health, it is necessary to 'top up' these reserves at high demand periods. A trace mineral injection delivers trace minerals rapidly to assist in combatting oxidative stress and guarantee the availability of trace minerals during these critical periods.

Reduction in the incidence of mastitis

22% for clinical mastitis
23% for subclinical mastitis
Decrease in frequency and duration of infection

Improved milk quality and udder health
Reduction in the cost of treatments associated with pathologies

(mastitis, endometritis, placental retention ...)


An innovative way of supplementing cattle with trace minerals

Ask your vet

Get your cattle ready to perform during high demand periods. For more information contact your vet.

Happy cows, better milk!

Because healthy cows produce quality milk, we have made their health and well-being a priority. Our Target 150™ program aims to provide integrated solutions and protocols for higher quality and sustainable milk production. It is based on 4 fundamental pillars:
- animal welfare
- nutrition
- reproduction
- milk quality.


Bovinary respiratory disease

Nulla sollicitudin placerat mi, nec commodo risus convallis in.

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Nulla sollicitudin placerat mi, nec commodo risus convallis in.