
Stress as well as behavioural factors can lead to trace mineral deficiencies and influence the immunity of animals.

Trace minerals are essential for optimal immune functions

Acute, long-term or chronic stress in animals and their behavioural factors can have a negative effect on immunity. This stress produces metabolites that damage cells. If this stress is not regulated, it will spread throughout the body and affect multiple organs and major vital functions.

Stress will induce a trace minerals (TM) imbalance, which results in a poor immune response as TM are essential for optimal immune functions such as:

  • Resistance of biological barriers to infections (skin, hoof, mucous membranes),
  • Development of immune cells essential for inflammatory responses,
  • Activation of the adaptive immune response and the production of antibodies.

Prevent and unlock immune potential





Changes in nutrition, batching of animals, breeding... A cow's life is punctuated by a number of episodes that can cause stress and compromise the immunity of the herd as a whole. Injectable trace minerals help support cattle immunity and prevent detrimental consequences of critical phrases of the production cycle, to limit the onset of subclinical and clinical diseases.


Colostrum is the primary source of trace minerals for the newborn calf and will allow it to create its first stores. A good mineral status of the cow at calving is related to a high concentration in trace minerals. Since calves are exposed to oxidative stress, colostrum with high mineral status helps them build immunity and cope with new stressful events.


Vaccination is the most reliable way to prevent disease and boost immunity. When cattle have TM imbalances, the post-vaccination immune response is not optimal. As TMs are involved in the development of immunity, supplementation with TMs allows a faster vaccine response, including antibody production and cellular immunity.

Another stressful event: transport

Beyond the transport itself, the cattle will find themselves in a new environment, with new animals and new breeding management.
These events and changes have an impact on their productivity and resilience. A supply of trace minerals after this stress, even for animals already in deficiency, allow them to perform as well as well supplemented animals.

Support the immune system with trace minerals

Injectable trace minerals supplementation helps reduce immune system damage caused by poor nutrition, mineral supplementation, environmental conditions or stress.

Our four trace minerals strengthen the three parts of the immune system because they are a direct source of nutrients used to:
- maintain the good health of the physiological barrier,
- the production of immune cells,
- activate the specific immune system

By boosting the immune system, we prevent subclinical or clinical diseases that lead to reduced performance.

Reduces the incidence of clinical and subclinical diseases

16% of endometritis, 8% of calf diarrhea, and 7% of pneumonia and otitis

Strengthening the immune system

Combined with vaccination, vaccine response and antibody production progress quicker.

Decrease of veterinary treatment needs

due to a reduced incidence of diseases in the herd


An innovative way of supplementing cattle with trace minerals

Ask your vet

Get your cattle ready to perform during high demand periods. For more information contact your vet.

Protect your herd and your investment

Breeding is a long-term investment, as farmers you dedicate your life to it. The health and the welfare of your animals is key to protecting that. Preventing diseases, treating your animals and making them more resilient, beyond ensuring their well-being, allows you to secure your future.

Through all of these actions that contribute to more sustainable cattle farming, you increase the continued value of your herd, your profitability, the genetic potential and the future performance of your herd.